'tiririt' was how I referred to the sounds of the birds early in the morning. As a child then, I loved watching the birds hopping to and fro; flying from one tree to another, or alighting gaily on the flowering branches as they made their sweet 'tiririts' flood the place like music expressing varied emotions....

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Living the Moment

My late father, Pete PeƱaranda was a person of faith. In trying circumstances he'd make it lighter by hugging us and remind us how 'these will just come to pass'. This note was given to one of my best friends, Irma Osano, in high school. She sent it back to me. I'm putting it here because this may inspire you too. --

If I can endure for this minute whatever is happening to me, no matter how heavy my heart is or how dark the moment maybe;
If I can remain calm and quiet with all my world crushing about me, secure in the knowledge that God loves me, when everyone else seems to doubt me;
If I can keep on believing what I know in my heart to be true:  that darkness will fade with morning and that this will pass away too.
Then nothing in life can defeat me.
As long as this knowledge remains … I can suffer whatever is happening to me now.
For I know that God will break all the chains that are binding me tight in the darkness and are trying to fill me with fear. For there is no night without dawning and I know that my morning is near.###