'tiririt' was how I referred to the sounds of the birds early in the morning. As a child then, I loved watching the birds hopping to and fro; flying from one tree to another, or alighting gaily on the flowering branches as they made their sweet 'tiririts' flood the place like music expressing varied emotions....

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Give Because...

Out one’s abundance that one gives.
Out of one’s benevolence that one gives openly. An empty hand can only receive
while a hand full of self can never have enough in receiving without giving out some. It takes a heart brimming with love and compassion to feel the needs of another and understand the feelings that are hidden in the soul.

Two years ago, I was invited to be the recognition speaker of one elementary school in the province. It was one occasion when I wanted to share more to the young minds and touch the hearts of the parents about something in their common experiences.

The problem was, how do you make the grades 1 and 2 understand what you want them to know? How do you touch the hearts of the adult audience to realize that all children have potentials waiting to be tapped, molded by their influence and supported in order for them to flourish and someday be fruitful?

There were so many things I wanted to share with them and the list of topics kept endlessly pushing each other in my mind. In the end, I was not able to make even just an outline of the speech. Of course anyone can speak extemporaneously but will that inspire the children or leave something for the parents to think about after the affair? So, I began to write a line or two then, discard it for another... yet another... and all ended up in the trash bin. The funny thing is, the more I think about it, the more that i am bereft of something to write.

A day before the Recognition Day... I dropped by the Pizza Parlour to refresh and while waiting for my order to come, two women with a child in tow came in. They sat on the closest table and they started talking about another mother and child. I gleaned from their conversations that their children were classmates. (Forgive me for eavesdropping but they were so interesting.)
Mother 1:  So what? Her son may be the first honor in the list but who cares? My son will be the best dressed in the program tomorrow. You'll see.

Mother 2: I believe he will be. I heard that their family is so hard up lately. What with her husband in the hospital for several months now. Was it a stroke?

Mother 1: Whatever... I don’t give a damn. She asked me two days ago if I can lend him a pair of shoes for her son for tomorrow. Hmp... first honors will borrow from the second  in the honor roll? Hah! (Laughter)

Mother 2:  She came to me yesterday for a loan too.

Mother 1: Don’t tell me that you gave her a loan! You are in a tight budget yourself, aren’t you? Or else you could have bought a dearer dress for your daughter here.

Mother 2: As a matter of fact, yes... I gave her part of my budget. Anyway, children won’t know how much they’re wearing and besides, her boy is a courteous and helpful child too. Personally I like the kid.

Mother 1: Hah! After all, my son has just placed second... Let her rack her brain.

Mother 2: Hahaha! You’re so bitter? Don’t be. Seriously, I saw how they struggled and I feel how painful it is to want to give to your child but you know that you have none to give. You? Well you have so much so that you don’t feel her pains.

That was it! I looked up to praise God. I finished my slice of pizza and there and then I started to formulate what to say... like a pro. Really, school achievements are supposedly secondary to an individual's emotional and attitudinal maturity.

Much to my surprise, someone came to me after the ceremonies. She told me how touched she was and she hugged me tightly with misty eyes. It was that mother in the Pizza Parlour who was richer than the rest.

Among the places I have come to be a resource person in -- that was the best opportunity I had come to hold dear in my memory.

Praise God who touches hearts. I hope that somewhere, someone is helping another fellowman too. They give not because of their abundance in material but because they feel the need of the other in their heart. They give... without conditions but for the heck of it.