'tiririt' was how I referred to the sounds of the birds early in the morning. As a child then, I loved watching the birds hopping to and fro; flying from one tree to another, or alighting gaily on the flowering branches as they made their sweet 'tiririts' flood the place like music expressing varied emotions....

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Give Because...

Out one’s abundance that one gives.
Out of one’s benevolence that one gives openly. An empty hand can only receive
while a hand full of self can never have enough in receiving without giving out some. It takes a heart brimming with love and compassion to feel the needs of another and understand the feelings that are hidden in the soul.

Two years ago, I was invited to be the recognition speaker of one elementary school in the province. It was one occasion when I wanted to share more to the young minds and touch the hearts of the parents about something in their common experiences.

The problem was, how do you make the grades 1 and 2 understand what you want them to know? How do you touch the hearts of the adult audience to realize that all children have potentials waiting to be tapped, molded by their influence and supported in order for them to flourish and someday be fruitful?

There were so many things I wanted to share with them and the list of topics kept endlessly pushing each other in my mind. In the end, I was not able to make even just an outline of the speech. Of course anyone can speak extemporaneously but will that inspire the children or leave something for the parents to think about after the affair? So, I began to write a line or two then, discard it for another... yet another... and all ended up in the trash bin. The funny thing is, the more I think about it, the more that i am bereft of something to write.

A day before the Recognition Day... I dropped by the Pizza Parlour to refresh and while waiting for my order to come, two women with a child in tow came in. They sat on the closest table and they started talking about another mother and child. I gleaned from their conversations that their children were classmates. (Forgive me for eavesdropping but they were so interesting.)
Mother 1:  So what? Her son may be the first honor in the list but who cares? My son will be the best dressed in the program tomorrow. You'll see.

Mother 2: I believe he will be. I heard that their family is so hard up lately. What with her husband in the hospital for several months now. Was it a stroke?

Mother 1: Whatever... I don’t give a damn. She asked me two days ago if I can lend him a pair of shoes for her son for tomorrow. Hmp... first honors will borrow from the second  in the honor roll? Hah! (Laughter)

Mother 2:  She came to me yesterday for a loan too.

Mother 1: Don’t tell me that you gave her a loan! You are in a tight budget yourself, aren’t you? Or else you could have bought a dearer dress for your daughter here.

Mother 2: As a matter of fact, yes... I gave her part of my budget. Anyway, children won’t know how much they’re wearing and besides, her boy is a courteous and helpful child too. Personally I like the kid.

Mother 1: Hah! After all, my son has just placed second... Let her rack her brain.

Mother 2: Hahaha! You’re so bitter? Don’t be. Seriously, I saw how they struggled and I feel how painful it is to want to give to your child but you know that you have none to give. You? Well you have so much so that you don’t feel her pains.

That was it! I looked up to praise God. I finished my slice of pizza and there and then I started to formulate what to say... like a pro. Really, school achievements are supposedly secondary to an individual's emotional and attitudinal maturity.

Much to my surprise, someone came to me after the ceremonies. She told me how touched she was and she hugged me tightly with misty eyes. It was that mother in the Pizza Parlour who was richer than the rest.

Among the places I have come to be a resource person in -- that was the best opportunity I had come to hold dear in my memory.

Praise God who touches hearts. I hope that somewhere, someone is helping another fellowman too. They give not because of their abundance in material but because they feel the need of the other in their heart. They give... without conditions but for the heck of it.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Friends Matter

As a social being, we need others to be near us, at least, once in a while if not always. We need them with us to share our joys with, to laugh with us in our happiness, to cavort in the sun in our abundance, to dance with us in our triumph... We also need friends to lend us a hand in times of weakness in order to strengthen us to carry on in life’s journey, to cry on their shoulder when sorrows overwhelm us, and to walk a mile farther with us when the road gets dark and lonely… Oh, that would be an endless list on why friends are friends. 

Really, it’s hard to find a true friend and it takes time for one to say when a person has found one. So many circumstances and places, a lot of conditions… heaven knows what else but people tend to set standards in building friendship. That old woman I had respected so much, my grandma, once told me, “Real and lasting friendship, doesn’t have an exact measure for the other nor does it thrive on abundance and triumph alone, rather it’s there constantly in all state of affairs as it comes freely and grows in the heart of both. It is not selfish to seek only for personal growth nor does it count neither the dismal passing of the time or the extent of distance. Friends do not have to see the presence of the other always because they trust that the other will be around in time when the need for the presence of a friend comes.” 

Anyway, we have heard of stories about great friendships like that of David and Jonathan, Damon and Pythias, even that of Ruth and Naomi but I’d like to share with you my favorite. It has been told to me many times by my late father. Below is the summary of the story: 

The Selfish Giant
by Oscar Wilde

There was once a lovely garden with soft green grasses. It was bordered by beautiful flowers and its orchard grew peach and apple trees that break delicate and fragrant blossoms in the springtime and bore rich fruits in the autumn. The owner is a big Giant who went on a long vacation to a friend’s palace – an Ogre living in a faraway land. 

Children come here on their way home from school to play or listen to the birds… The birds come here to sing their sweet songs as they chase each other on the branches. 

One day the Giant came back. He was so angry when he saw the children in his garden that he drove them screaming so loud, “My garden is only for me to enjoy.” The children ran in fear while the Giant put up a wall and a huge notice board saying, “TRESPASSERS WILL BE PUNISHED.” The people saw it but they didn’t wonder because they knew that he was a very selfish Giant. 

The children didn’t play in the Giant’s garden anymore but they sometimes play near its walls and talk of their happy times inside it. 

Spring came – all over the country the little blossoms broke from the tree branches and little birds began to sing their songs. Inside the Giant’s garden, though, it remained winter. The little flowers refused to be aroused from their long winter sleep and the birds didn’t come to sing anymore. Snow and Frost were so happy that they have a place to live in all year round. They invited their great chum, the North Wind to stay there with them and he did. So they covered the garden of the Selfish Giant with a thick white cloak of snow as the North Wind roared about it all day. They invited Hail to visit and the friends enjoyed romping around their new abode, roaring as they go. 

The Selfish Giant wondered why Spring never came to his garden, neither did Summer and Autumn. It was freezing Winter that stayed long in his garden. He was so alone in the cold and lonely too. 

One morning, the Giant lay awake in bed deciding if he was hearing right. He thought he was dreaming of a lovely, melodious sound, the children’s laughter and what more? He sniffed again and again and he was sure that it was a delicious perfume carried by the breeze. Have his trees been touched by Spring? Full of anticipation, he jumped out of bed and ran to the window. He was eager to see Spring touch everything in his garden.

His eyes popped at what he saw… the hole in the wall where the children crept; the children sitting in the branches of his trees; and he can’t believe to see that in every branch where a child sat, the tree has covered itself with beautiful blossoms. The tree seemed to wave gaily at the children and the birds to come closer and have fun. The little flowers that bordered his garden walk were gladly peeping through the green grass too. They were beaming with pride in their colorful petals. It was a perfect scene until he noticed that in one corner of the garden, it was still winter. 

The Giant saw a little boy standing under the tree looking up at the branch which he tried so hard to reach. He was crying bitterly. The Giant’s heart melted and he realized how selfish he had been. He cried, “Now, I know why Spring would not visit my garden. I had been so selfish. I will put that poor boy on top of that tree, and then, I will knock down all the walls so that my garden shall be the children’s playground forever.

That very morning, the villagers saw the Giant playing with the children in the most delightful garden full of blossoms that none in the world can compare. Some saw how the little boy stretched out his arms and flung them around the Giant’s neck, and kissed him. The little boy taught him the joy of caring and be accepted by the other.

All day long the children played and they bid the Giant goodbye in the evening to go home. The Giant sought out the little boy whom he learned to love best but none of the children knew where he went or where he lived. Every afternoon thereafter, the Giant played with the children when school was over but he never saw the little boy again. Everyday too, he would tell the children, “How I would like to see him… that boy who never showed fear of me because he kissed me… my first little friend.”

Years went by and the Giant grew so old and weak. He can’t play with the children anymore but he sat in a big armchair and enjoyed watching them at their games… He would often whisper, “I have many beautiful flowers but the children in my trees are the most beautiful flowers of all.”

One winter morning, the Giant saw the most
marvellous sight… He saw that the tree, where he played with the little boy, on the farthest corner of the garden was covered with lovely white blossoms; the branches have turned golden where silver fruits hung down from them. His heart jumped when he saw that the little boy he loved stood beneath it. He was beside himself with great joy.

He hastened to the garden and when he came close to the boy; his face grew red with anger because he saw that on the palms of his hands were prints of two nails and the prints of two nails were also on the little feet. 

“Who has done this to you?” cried the Giant. “Tell me, that I may take my big sword and slay him.”

“No,” answered the child. “These are the wounds of Love.” 

The Giant was so awed that he fell on his knees to ask, “Who are you?” 

The little child smiled and said, “You let me play once in your garden; today you shall come with me to my garden… which is Paradise.” 

That afternoon, when the children came to play, they found their friend, the Giant, lying under the tree, all covered with the fragrant, white blossoms – dead. 
End of the story.

In this present time of the internet generation where human interaction is not given so much quality time, where friends and pets can be had in the virtual world without worry of personal adjustments and material cost… it will take a lot of painful efforts to be ‘a friend’ and no doubt, it will take more time to look for the ‘real friend.’

What do you think? 
 (note: this is lifted from wvtrivia.blogspot.com ... am sharing this to be enjoyed by the manulali readers too.)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

There Must Be a Reason

It's one of those days when the skies are gray and the rains keep pouring incessantly It's one of those days when the skies are gray and the rains keep pouring incessantly. There are no strong winds to accompany it... just the rains as if they were tears falling.

Reportedly the northern towns of the Province of Iloilo are experiencing so much volume of the water making some fishponds overflow and some rice lands flooded. The resource persons interviewed in the radio is giving a down heartening estimate of the damages so far and the anchorperson keeps giving caution to the people to remain vigilant in the monitoring of the rise in the water levels especially with the houses near the rivers. 

Earlier this week, in the central part of the province, a father drowned while crossing the flooded river in Lambunao, Iloilo. Allegedly, the man went to look for some root crops across the river because his family had nothing to eat. Hoping that he’d get enough from their small patch of camote (sweet potato) and maybe more to be sold in the market, he risked the going across despite the inclement weather. He hoped to have money to be spent for the graduation of a son who is graduating on Thursday, March 29, 2012. Seeing the plight of the man struggling with the water current, the wife and an elder daughter also swam to help him which almost cost them their lives too. As of press time, they are still in the hospital recovering from the stress and harm. It is just sad to know that one responsible father of the family is lost when all he hoped was just enough good for the family he had. 

In another barangay, a mother was so overjoyed that an elementary daughter is to graduate with honors. She broke her piggy bank and got every saving there to go to town with the daughter to buy her a dress, shoes and some noodles to prepare for the next day in their celebration. They have to cross the river in order to reach the town.

So, that very morning - the mother, daughter, and their carabao, crossed the river for their errand. In the afternoon, they were back with all that they bought. However, the river seemed to have more water than when they left. The mother, placed the daughter at the back of their beast and she pulled the carabao after her. Unfortunately, the underwater current grew stronger that the mother slipped. She tried to swim but the carabao also tripped thus dropping the girl. By this time they were in the middle of the river.

According to some residents they heard screams (that didn’t last long) but because of the distance and the pouring rain, they mistook it to be just the noise of the flowing waters or the rustling leaves. No one came to investigate the source at that time. That evening the loss was reported to the police headquarters and the search ensued. It was an all night empty search for the missing mother and daughter by the rescue group... 

Early this morning of March 28, 2012, the carabao was found several hundreds of meters from where they crossed. It has weakened but is still alive. About a hundred meters away, they found the child with all the bruises on the face and wounds on the arms and legs. Another hundred of meters away, they found the mother with almost the same bruises and wounds. The police believed that they were dashed to the stones by the current and they were both found the next day - DEAD!

These were two tragic circumstances that could have spelled joy had it happened otherwise. Two parents hoping the best for their children that were claimed by the rivers they used to cross in all their lifetime. 

"Why must it happen now?" was the sad lament of one daughter. No one can answer this, of course.

What a loss!!! May God have mercy on their souls... and may His mercy reign. HE ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT'S BEST FOR EVERYONE ANYWAY.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Story of the Little Star

Once upon a time, there was one little girl-star. Her name was Faye. She loved to see her parents twinkle through the dark nights. Faye thought how amazing her parents could be too as they shine so brightly. At that time Faye was not allowed yet to go and shine for the people on earth.

One day, her mommy told her to sleep early because a teacher will come in the late evening to teach her the art of shining. Faye was so happy that she jumped with joy and enthusiasm. So she obeyed her mother. She went to bed before friend Sun went to rest. She was so excited.

Soon her teacher came. Her name was Marga. Teacher Marga shone even brighter than all the stars in the village. Faye thought that teacher Marga was the most wonderful star she ever saw that she was so enthusiastic to learn from her.

To learn the art of shining, Faye has to travel around the skies with teacher Marga. Her teacher will take her to the place appointed for her to occupy. She bid her mommy good-bye and hand in hand Faye and her teacher went.

Up there in the skies, Faye can hardly breathe with excitement. She saw some children looking out of their windows towards her direction when she looked down. The children were looking up at her, she thought. This thrilled her that she smiled warmly at them. She also winked at the little boy who clapped and waved at her.

Suddenly a little girl shouted, “Oh my! Look over there! There’s a new star! Oh, oh... see how it shines and twinkles!” Then, the other children clapped their hand too as they jumped and cheered.

Faye felt the warmth of joy all over her that she smiled broadly at them. Presently, the little boy who waved at her said, “I love you little star! Please twinkle for me till morn.” This made Faye so delighted that she said, “I wish I can always shine for them. I wish I can always make them happy.”

Teacher Marga replied, “dear Faye, one brilliant star is born in the skies today. Look around, you are the brightest and the most beautiful star in the heavens Faye.” She looked at Teacher Marga with tears in her eyes and mumbled, “Thank you.”

Monday, March 19, 2012

Rain in Summer

Yesterday it rained. It was a sudden downpour that sent us all, in the sidewalk, scampering towards the waiting shed for shelter. The shed was congested in less than ten seconds that some who ran to it seeking protection got wet as well.

It was an irritatingly funny experience because no one expected to get drenched with the rains in the heat of summer yet it came. Some braved the heavy shower while most did stay to wait it out to stop. It lasted for about 45 minutes that some who were in a hurry to go started cursing the sudden change of the climate, others blamed the PAGASA (the Philippine weather bureau),some charged themselves for their laziness to bring an umbrella, students started to joke with each other, and some simply stood there patiently.

Amidst them, i can't help smiling. My late father's voice rang clear in my head, "Sometimes, it also rains in summer. The volume of water it brings will not matter much but it's how you take it that determines its significance. You may be soaked to the skin but it's your attitude that drives you to do things. You may be shuddering cold but it's your character that dictates how you react."

Oh, the wisdom of the old. After so many years of being exposed to the varied seasons and the trials of life, I begin to admire how nature teaches us lessons in such indirect ways.

Indeed, problems and confusions abound as we live. Personal problems of the heart, family finances, children's future to prepare with... oh, a lot of other things in line. We have science and learning to give us the verified and tested means to counter them but some play it by ear. Some choose to back off in the middle of heavy burdens or painful experiences while the daring choose to brave it on.

The rains that afternoon stopped just as suddenly as it came. As we left the waiting shed, every one smiled as if we were freed from a confinement. What a feeling!

One more thing is confirmed to me. In our haste and singleness of purpose Someone up there still controls what mortals do and how the events should come to pass. Maybe, that rain in the middle of one summer day poured heavily to cleanse the dust in the face of the earth and make people rest awhile to contemplate.

However we may take it, rains come in summer too.