'tiririt' was how I referred to the sounds of the birds early in the morning. As a child then, I loved watching the birds hopping to and fro; flying from one tree to another, or alighting gaily on the flowering branches as they made their sweet 'tiririts' flood the place like music expressing varied emotions....

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Rain in Summer

Yesterday it rained. It was a sudden downpour that sent us all, in the sidewalk, scampering towards the waiting shed for shelter. The shed was congested in less than ten seconds that some who ran to it seeking protection got wet as well.

It was an irritatingly funny experience because no one expected to get drenched with the rains in the heat of summer yet it came. Some braved the heavy shower while most did stay to wait it out to stop. It lasted for about 45 minutes that some who were in a hurry to go started cursing the sudden change of the climate, others blamed the PAGASA (the Philippine weather bureau),some charged themselves for their laziness to bring an umbrella, students started to joke with each other, and some simply stood there patiently.

Amidst them, i can't help smiling. My late father's voice rang clear in my head, "Sometimes, it also rains in summer. The volume of water it brings will not matter much but it's how you take it that determines its significance. You may be soaked to the skin but it's your attitude that drives you to do things. You may be shuddering cold but it's your character that dictates how you react."

Oh, the wisdom of the old. After so many years of being exposed to the varied seasons and the trials of life, I begin to admire how nature teaches us lessons in such indirect ways.

Indeed, problems and confusions abound as we live. Personal problems of the heart, family finances, children's future to prepare with... oh, a lot of other things in line. We have science and learning to give us the verified and tested means to counter them but some play it by ear. Some choose to back off in the middle of heavy burdens or painful experiences while the daring choose to brave it on.

The rains that afternoon stopped just as suddenly as it came. As we left the waiting shed, every one smiled as if we were freed from a confinement. What a feeling!

One more thing is confirmed to me. In our haste and singleness of purpose Someone up there still controls what mortals do and how the events should come to pass. Maybe, that rain in the middle of one summer day poured heavily to cleanse the dust in the face of the earth and make people rest awhile to contemplate.

However we may take it, rains come in summer too.


  1. Great post, Yani! Rains in summer are a welcome relief. I love the rainy weather but only if I don't go out...haha! Come to think of it, I miss bathing in the rain. ")

    1. so do i Ter... those days when things weren't so complicated yet. Childhood spent in the province. miss you too...
