'tiririt' was how I referred to the sounds of the birds early in the morning. As a child then, I loved watching the birds hopping to and fro; flying from one tree to another, or alighting gaily on the flowering branches as they made their sweet 'tiririts' flood the place like music expressing varied emotions....

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Be the Answer to Another

On her way to the bakery after the morning jog, Minmi chanced to pass by a boy of about eight sitting on the pavement. He was sitting silently still with his hands clasped together on his lap. She recognized him to be Aris, a neighbor’s son. Their house is one of those little huts behind their own big house. Feeling concerned for the child, Minmi tapped his shoulder and asked why he’s there that early. He began to relate, between sobs, how he accidentally dropped the money he was supposed to buy ‘pan-de-sal’ with for his sick mother and younger sisters. He knew he would be spanked for it because his mother and siblings will have nothing to eat until evening. Food might be available probably when his father comes home from the lending office in the city. He said that they have no rice, no food… nothing.

So, why was he sitting there? Was he sleeping the time off? Escaping?

In all innocence, he told her that he was praying. “I had never asked God for something ever since, (sobs) I am asking Him to give us a little money for our food and… (sobs loudly)… for mama to get well (sobs) so she can help papa with selling popcorn in our school.(sob) I asked for only that…(sobs) Will He grant my prayers?” He asked in all candor. Then, he cried some more.

Minmi was so touched. In her heart she knew that God has answered the prayers of the boy that very moment.

Minutes later, they were going home together, hand in hand, with enough food for everyone in their respective homes.  Aris was walking with a radiant smile while Minmi’s heart was even more joyful.#

(Indeed God gives us His answers in many ways.  His ways are mysterious but we only have to trust in His goodness. May the Lord grant you the answer to your prayers today.)

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