'tiririt' was how I referred to the sounds of the birds early in the morning. As a child then, I loved watching the birds hopping to and fro; flying from one tree to another, or alighting gaily on the flowering branches as they made their sweet 'tiririts' flood the place like music expressing varied emotions....

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Battle of the Sexes

Pupils in the graders’ school always refer to their classmates as either boys or girls. In school, whatever the girls do that wins the appreciation of their teacher; the boys have to simply outdo or they do better. It holds true even if done the other way around in the elementary years. It is an aggressive contest between the sexes in these years of learning, discovering, and
exploring the many possibilities and potentials of the individual, as well as the building of one’s self image. This is not obvious to them but during this time winning goes only to either ‘the boys or the girls.’ If you are neither… you simply are out of place.

Later, in the teen-age years though the subtle competition between the two become quite tamed but it remains there to show itself in a more apparent social form where both sexes are participative yet assertive of themselves… as in campus leadership, community activities and others. You’ll observe that if they want strength, they look for a male; if they want someone with a heart, they turn to a female. Stereotyping? Hahaha! It has always been the case through the years.

Even as men and women work hand in hand in nation building the children in us still wonder which among the gender has the most number of members that occupy what position in the government.

Some men are placed by the people in the elective position where decision making is rather done with risk but some women are also placed in elective positions which demand greater risks – we don’t have to look far because Her Excellency, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the past Philippine President is a an example to this.

In Western Visayas, most decision makers are males and so are the law makers. However, it is not in having more numbers that strenghth is gauged when quality is questioned. It is how well the obligation of duty is done. Now, who does better? Hahaha! You know your leaders better than I.

The photo used here was taken in the famous "Ruins of Talisay" found  in Negros Occidental. The place is under the protection of the Department of Tourism. In the picture is Marra Francillan  with her friends from Tacloban, Leyte after the College Editors' Guild of the Philippines seminar.

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