'tiririt' was how I referred to the sounds of the birds early in the morning. As a child then, I loved watching the birds hopping to and fro; flying from one tree to another, or alighting gaily on the flowering branches as they made their sweet 'tiririts' flood the place like music expressing varied emotions....

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Monday, May 17, 2010

The Trek to Tinagong Dagat

4:00 in the morning, the third day… We were awakened by the sweet aroma of the soup concocted by some Talunanons -Tay Auring, Nelnel,Nong Baste. At 5:40 in the morning, we were on our way to the last lap of the journey towards the group’s ultimate destination – the famous Tinagong Dagat of Lambunao. Talunanon members –Nong Nanding, Felix, Jojo and two others… were
with the first group. They had with them the medical kit with medicines for those with skin ailments especially that of leprosy.
The trek through the forests and the rivers were just as interesting as when we came except that here it was noticeably wide stretches of coffee plantations on the mountainsides, patches of kaingin planted with rice sporadically met us on the burned areas while we wondered how they can run to and fro with speed at such an almost 80˚ angle. We clambered up the incline with our chin literally touching our knees that we have to rest a minute or two for every three meters of progress. I realized that the farther we moved on, the more we have to labor and how stimulating to one’s circulation it got. I was wondering if I can make it to the last stop. Weeks of walking and exercise in preparation for this trip seem to dull out in its reality. Yet, no one from the group complained. They all seemed to enjoy the workout. Gosh, I was apparently humbled.
We did pass by the clusters of houses and the scenes were so beautiful and idyllic.  Up there the folks don’t mind whether the price of fuel increased or if another burger junction got the best rating for their burgers and fried chicken… not even if the presidential candidates were trying to murder each other with bare hands…
Soon we were on the highest plateau and we were to go down the steep stairways. It was so high. The steps were carved on the earth above the very source of the Ulian River. I got cold feet in here because those ahead of us below were like tiny toy soldiers bathing in the foam. We later realized that the water here is from several streams pouring in what looked like a large pool littered with rocks. We were briefed to go down facing the stairs and concentrate on the action rather than the height. Our knapsacks were adjusted tighter so the wind will not affect us so much. At this stage, I cringed inside but their smiles were very encouraging that while I called on all the saints for our protection, I started to descend too. The cool wind blowing about my face had the magic that I almost forgot where I was. Everything seemed to stand still while I was in full concentration. We were arranged in such a way that the predecessor is five steps below and successor is of the same distance too. Nothing was heard except the heavy breathings and the whistling wind. After a while, we heard someone bellow, “Guapo! Very good! Keep moving on…” Whew! We must have descended forever because soon we were on the clear running waters of the Ulian River source. The slow steep descent took us about 12 minutes but down there all our inhibitions were drowned by the cool waters that bubbled as it converged from the many streams. Ulian source is similar to a big reservoir where all the surrounding creeks empty their waters to with all the rocks and boulders in there. The riverbed has rocks as big as the fist and marbles that it made its water so clear. Some boulders were so huge that one can make a bed out of it. We frolicked in its coolness for about 30 minutes and then the journey resumed.

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