'tiririt' was how I referred to the sounds of the birds early in the morning. As a child then, I loved watching the birds hopping to and fro; flying from one tree to another, or alighting gaily on the flowering branches as they made their sweet 'tiririts' flood the place like music expressing varied emotions....

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Friday, May 7, 2010


(What’s Up?)

The Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) machines were certainly delivered to the respective areas. These were delivered complete with the necessary accessories and its defects. The deficiencies that the people of the Philippines hope will be corrected soon before May 10, 2010, which is the very day of the election.

May 6, 2010. Some acquaintances in the Province of Capiz in Region 6 informed that they have more PCOS machines in their area. According to the source, the excess in the number is the contingency unit. OH?

All throughout those early days when the Commission on Election (COMELEC) was talking about the PCOS machine, we can only remember them explaining how it works and how it is used. They also emphasized how reliable it is in ensuring an honest and clean election process. Further, they announced that there will only be one PCOS machine for a polling place which may also be a pooled number of precincts. Moreover, no pronouncement was ever made to date that there shall be contingency units or reserves in some areas.

It is noteworthy that there are truly excess allocations of PCOS machines to Capiz. The seven municipalities with excess machines are : CUARTERO 25 – 27; DAO 29 -31; DUMARAO 41 – 44; IVISAN 24 – 26; JAMINDAN 36 – 39; MA-AYON 35 – 38; and SAPI-AN 24 - 26. Negros Occidental has only one so far, LA CARLOTA CITY 53 - 54. The number on the left is the actual number needed while the one on the right is the number delivered.

It is not good to speculate about the candidates but most of the electorates from Capiz are asking “WHY?” Some hypothesize that the excess will be used for massive vote production that will topple Mar Roxas right in his home place. Others guess that this is to strengthen the candidacy of Joc-joc Bolante who is also running for an elective office in Capiz. If you can recall, Joc-joc was Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s man, the former undersecretary of Agriculture who starred in the fertilizer scam.

Honestly, we are doubtful about this PCOS machine proficiency. The enigma it embodies is beyond words that the COMELEC people cannot even enlighten us with certainty. Is it just because they have to really stand by whoever has the highest authority that they have to appear so calm even in the face of adversity as regards this automated election? Or is it because they know just a little too? If it were so, we can only pity them for that. God’s wrath be on them if the true choice of the people does not come out correctly of the election process.

The present Regional Director of Region 6 issued a statement over the AM radio not to panic. Hahaha! Who does? You should! ...because the agency is on shaky grounds as regards the faith of the people in your credibility. That is not mentioning what ill preparedness in the part `of COMELEC after over 365 days of preparation has done to the integrity of the institution. He claims that everything will be fine but the machines will have to be tested again. Well?

Now, Sir, what are these excess allocations of PCOS machines for? The people of the Western Visayas Region need to know why. The Filipino nation should be enlightened, eh. Really, what’s up?

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