'tiririt' was how I referred to the sounds of the birds early in the morning. As a child then, I loved watching the birds hopping to and fro; flying from one tree to another, or alighting gaily on the flowering branches as they made their sweet 'tiririts' flood the place like music expressing varied emotions....

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Flores de Mayo

Every morning, I’d see children crowding about the flowering shrubs in the flower garden of an elementary school just across the street from our house. They had plastic bags with them whereby they put the flowers they pick. The smaller children contented themselves with the flowers of the euphorbia and the
bougainvilleas as the older ones picked the flowers of the calachuchi and the melendres. How long will they do this?
The other day, just for the heck of it, I asked one little girl what they’ll do with the flowers. With a radiant smile and eagerness in her voice she answered with just this, “Flores, ma’am.”  Of course, I expected her answer but not her enthusiasm when they have to comb the streets under the heat of the very hot sun just to look for flowers.  My goodness they all smelt like they had been to many places already. Hahaha!
We celebrate the ‘Flores de Mayo’ (May Flower Festival) from May 1 to 31 every year. The Catholic Church has this month to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Virgin of Flowers. Children gather flowers and offer it in the altar of the Blessed Mother amidst the singing and prayers. What makes this significant is that in her series of apparitions that were officially recognized by the Catholic Church, the fragrance of flowers was said to accompany her. It will be fine then to say that the Mother of Christ is also fond of flowers. Lest we forget, in her litany, she is called ‘The Mystical Rose.’
I asked my daughters what outstanding memories they had with their Flores de Mayo experiences. They laughed and said, “Saludo, bayaw, kag saludo!” (Bow, raise, and bow!) These were taught by their catechists before they started the ritual of praying, singing and offering of flowers. Well they form two lines while holding the basket half filled with petals on their left hand, and holding a bunch of flowers on the other hand. While singing the final hymn, they approach the altar in pairs. They bow, shower the image of Mother Mary with the flowers inside their basket and offer the bunch too, then, they bow again and go to the rear of the line until they have gone full circle.
The May Flower Festival culmination affair is quietly anticipated by the young ladies. It makes them wish to be chosen, Reyna Elena, of their place. If not they will be happy to be with the other virgins too. The virgins refer to the seven virtues. Usually the pretty girls are chosen out of the many in the community by the team headed by the hermana mayor of the year. However, it cannot be denied today that to be chosen the Reyna Elena of the town, the girl should posses a pretty face, at least, and the family should have more than enough money to spend for all the expenses that the activity necessitates.
Many years ago, I gathered flowers for the ‘Flores de Mayo’ too. One time I came home in tears from Nanay Maxim”s garden after I was pricked by the thorns of her escarlatta. How I cried for that but my late father gathered me in his arms, kissed my bleeding finger, and said, “This afternoon, you shall have the most beautiful flower for Mother Mary. Remember that your palms will also have the sweetest smell of the rose.” I asked him why and he answered, “Flowers always leave a part of their fragrance on the hands that give them with love.”
Well, Tatay Pete, I understand it now… This entire bustle for the flowers means more than the ritual and snacks. More than anything, it is simply doing it for love.

The picture above is taken from Google Home Images.

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